Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Your Blog is better than my blog

I have no clue who is even reading this, so it's more just for you guys.

It's been a few days since my last blog. (okay, now it's been almost a week, or more)

Let me start by saying I am really enjoying my new job. It's been great to learn something new. Only trouble, I am exhausted when I get home, have headaches from staring at teeny tiny details on the computer screen and papers...but I love it.

On the home front, K. is doing well. I write that just as she farted. Great. I can't gag enough. It's awful. But, the bones I give her to keep her occupied when I am in the middle of something seem worth it.

I think it was last Saturday, she went to PetSmart for a bath. Much needed bath. Melissa at PetSmart is fantastic. She took such good care of K. Katie LOVED the shampoo. So much she kept licking it off, to help with the process. She loved the blow dryer, until it came near her face and chest. As we all expected, she didn't get along with the other dogs, and even snapped at Melissa once or twice, but didn't hurt her. (phew)

Needless to say, she is a COMPLETELY new dog! She is soft, and fluffy. And isn't scratching anymore.

Last Monday, I wasn't feeling well, and was home from work. I let her out back, thinking she would be fine. She got under the deck. Again. I didn't realize it until she was barking endlessly and I went out back and didn't see her...found her under the deck. She got herself stuck under there, and I had half the mind to leave her there, but she was JUST cleaned the other day, and it would have made me more mad.... I helped her out, and smacked her with my slipper.

Matt saved the day, he came over BEFORE work and set up a barricade over the spot where she gets under, and she won't be able to get around it this time. (thank you, Matt.)

Tuesday, Kwinn came over for dinner. K. did very well, and enjoyed the company. We all had a lovely time. :o)

Today, K. and I went for a walk. In the rain. K's idea, not mine. It wasn't raining that horribly, and she is tuckered out, cause I ran her instead of walking her. Right now, she is laying down, watching me blog. She loves me.

Today is the 25th, and I am so sorry it's been so long since I have blogged. Having a boyfriend is a full time job, my nights are packed with various things. Tonight, we are going to pick up the ceramic thingies that we went to paint last Friday. :) SO not complaining. I mean it.

K. has found other places to get under the deck. Matt (and I) have made provisions. I don't think even you will be able to get under there, A. The ladder is TOTALLY protected under there. Nobody will get to it. The other morning, she got under there, and I finally got her inside. I scolded her, and then left for work, to let her sit in her badness. I forgave her a few blocks from the house, but had no way to let her know she was covered in mercy....

Last night, I went over to Matt's to watch a movie with the Marketing Group (they had an early start to NYC this am...)

When I got home, K had what appeared to be a halo glow over her head. She was ready to be a good dog again. It was 10:30, and I was looking forward to getting an early night sleep. I let her outside, and set my alarm for half an hour, to go bring her back in. Seems as though she spent the entire time just barking, and didn't appear to have done any business.

I got her back in, and went back up to bed. She followed me upstairs... hmmm, this is kinda new. I climbed in to bed, and Katie came prancing in my room (I know, right? prancing, I thought?) She came over to the side of my bed, I tried to pretend I was sleeping, but she wanted nothing of it. She began to talk to me. Conversation, people. Right in my face, dog breath and all. And, no, she has not stopped licking her butt, even with all the washing and other unmentionables. She would NOT stop, so I let her out again. By the time I got to bed, it was 12:30, which didn't get me to bed any earlier than any other night. GRRRRRRRRR. And, K. slept at the foot of my bed. This was the first time she has done this, I am hoping tonight to send both dog and boyfriend to their loving respective homes and hit the sack early tonight. I am crabby. And tired. And just need a minute to breathe.

All that to end with Matt is great. I am enjoying being his girlfriend immensely. Poor guy, I feel bad for him when I am crabby and not-so-nice. Which doesn't happen that often, but it sure is a shock to my normal sweet-loving-fabulous self (barf). :o)

Katie and I now have a better understanding, and we are going to make it, without one another having to go to the kennel.

Love to everyone. Please give S. and E. a hug from me. Congratulations on your marriage! Yippeeeeeee!


Friday, March 14, 2008

Thursday, Friday

Well, it's been almost a week, and Katie and I are quite the pair.

Katie, Matt, and I went to Valley Forge park after work yesterday. K. loved the walk, she got treats for when she didn't bark at other dogs, and "Good girl!" when she didn't attack the deer.
Couldn't get that far, since she was on a tight leash.

After the long walk (for K.) we attempted to put her in the car and continue our walk. As we crossed the street, somehow K. figured out how to set off the car alarm. I pushed the button to stop the alarm, which worked. She set it off again. Alright, girl. We get it.

Brought her home, I think she is still sleeping from last night.

Pictures to come soon.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Day 3,4,5

Wow, time sure flies. How do people blog everyday? They must not have day jobs, or something.

Monday, Matt came home from Brazil (YIPEEEEEEE!)! I made him spaghetti and meatballs, and we had a lovely time hanging out at LauppeLand, although it's VERY awkward to be here without you guys here. That will take some getting used to. I sometimes feel like I should knock or something.... Katie was VERY glad to see him, and tried to stay by his side, but I kept moving her to lay down. Sorry, toots, he's mine to cuddle with tonight. :o) Katie feel asleep that night listening to great stories about Brazil and all his travels, and popped her head up with each of my squeals of delight of the presents he brought back for me from the hippie market. :o) Matt has great taste, permission given to shop for jewelry for me anytime. hee heehee

Tuesday night, Katie had most of the night to herself, as GS First Friday went in to the city to hear Timothy Keller talk about his new book called, "The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism". At first I thought it would be a great place to catch up on some shut eye. It was at the U Penn museum of something-or-other. I am not really one who is big on theology, or being in a position of having a debate conversation with someone who doesn't believe in God (something I am working on) but this guy was great, dumbed it down for me, and I really enjoyed it. Katie was tired when I got home, and didn't really want to hear much about the lecture, so I told her we would catch up tonight.

Now it's Wednesday, and all she wants to do is go outside and bark at her friends. I understand. Maybe one of these nights our schedules will open up, and we will fellowship with one another. It's tough, she is such a busy gal. She has been working O/T at the office, and is always exhausted when I get home, and not up for much conversation. I understand, and don't take it personally.

My friend Carrie Hill is coming over tonight to watch American Idol, although I think it was on last night. Having a home where I may have friends over is SUCH a blessing, you guys have no idea. Parents aren't up for much in the way of outside company. They are set in their ways, and don't leave room for much spontaneity.

Well, things are good here, I hear some scratchin at the back door, so I gotta go get my girl.

BTW, almost done Redeeming Love, and am not happy that it's almost over. I am loving it. Good thing I have some more books in queue.

More later! M

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Day Two: Does she ever stop barking at the neighbor dog?

Answer: NO. Not ever. Even when you swat her with the leash, either end. Not even if you swat her with a slipper. She just stands at the fence, and they bark at one another. I think it's what they call a love hate relationship. Whatever. Wait for them to bring in theirs, then Katie will come to the door. No treat for YOU, dog. Grrrr to you.

This afternoon, we (KT and I) spent some QT on the back deck, brushing her coat. She loves it, and didn't want me to stop. We brushed for as long as I could take it. Things to do this week: PetSmart bath time. She will love it. I will love it. It will be a great ole time.

Gave her some of that stuff in the can that looks like squeeze cheese. It's supposed to help with shiny coat. She's got a bit of flaky skin, after all that brushing. Poor gal. So I gave her the red thing with the squeezy stuff in it. How are you supposed to know when a teaspoon has been shot in to the hole? I think she got more than that, but she's kind of dry looking. She loved it. Licked out the whole thing, then proceeded to gag. OMG, I am going to kill her by squeeze cheese looking stuff! "come on, kate, let's drink some water!" Ok, will be more careful with that. Good thing she can't tattle tale on me. Oh wait....I'm posting this..... Honesty is the best policy. She is shining now. (did you eat a glow stick?) jk.....


Saturday, March 8, 2008

Day One...

Got here around 3pm. Katie sauntered to the back door. Praise God for good timing!

Unpacked, and Katie and I took a lovely nap.

It's now 7:15. She has had dinner, and is now in the back yard. Darn it, I forgot to put on the light thingy on her collar. Please God, don't let me lose her on day 1.

....PHEW! Few clicks of the leash, and a upbeat, "KATIE!" and she came trotting right along.

Katie, you and I are going to get along just fine. Until you eat my socks.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Thoughts on Katie

So, I went over to the house for dinner the other night. Katie was outside, barking at..well...everything. Needing the practice of getting her inside from the backyard, I had treats in one hand, leash in the other. Prepared for a battle of wills, I opened the door, and stood there. She walked right in past me. Easy, cheesy, lemon squeezy.
Praying the next 5 weeks will be that easy. Somehow...I don't think so. Good thing Andy has Cesar Milan on TIVO. Cesar and I will be getting acquainted.